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BeingWell, BeingSafe, BeingFair…

Having grown up in Belfast during ‘theTroubles’, a society where wellness, safety and fairness was in very short supply, Ian Fleming learned to put a high emphasis on these aspects of BeingHuman. It’s much easier to be part of the problem than the solution, and we have a tendency to be #LivingInTheStateOfDenial, and to be #ByStandersAllStandingBy

So whether it’s our inadequate response to the climate crisis, health crisis…, or the impact of inequality, violence and injustice, …the human race could easily become responsible for it’s own destruction. Only if we each urgently increase our sense of compassion and altruism will we be a part of the solution instead of the problem

#Emergency #WhatEmergency




other words



Just Imagine...

The aspects of BeingHuman, BeingWell, BeingSafe and BeingFair that Ian Fleming is working particularly to address come under the following programmes. They do so inline with something Ghandi said:

“This planet can provide for human need, but not for human greed”

  • VeX theViolenceCessationThinkTank

  • planetA, because there is no planetB

  • AdVoc…80K Partnership Alliance

  • AboveAndBeyond Alliance,
    an Alliance of Emergency/Rescue/Security/Health Services

  • xChangeVisions Creative Consortium

  • FairShare forGiving? matching time to money

  • GiftFlexia

  • theArtOfBeingHuman

  • TheCultureCollective



Philanthropy is a big awkward word…

So is altruism. It’s hard enough to live your own life and look after yourself. Without philanthropy and BeingAware of BeingHuman, BeingWell, BeingSafe and BeingFair we can’t effectively work in our CommonInterests towards CommonUnity
